Sunday, May 24, 2009


Eureka is bingo..well im nerd, just figured that..huge wake up call, i change this blog to my personal blog+ edge blog

The poem entitled "Orang kiri"

yang kau tahu hanya menang
tidak kenal lawanmu adik abang
tak kesah lagi pandang
kiri yang bertentangan

berbaik hanya di hati
dipandang baik tidak walau sekali
namunku maseh punya hati

aku rindu Kanan
aku rindu Kiri
modusku cuma satu
hati kita selamanye bersatu

today post about poem i read about "orang kiri".it is a label for negative type of human..kalau ade dua jln utk dipilih pn kiri is road not taken kn?
but its only a label/pandangan.actually who are us to judges this rite?
we cant see through a person deep inside laen, cover outside laen kn? to all my kanan2 frens skalian. stop ur judges to kiri ok?

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